Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cub Scout Spring Camp (Tar Hollow)

This year we will not being camping at Tar Hollow with the Cub Scouts at their Spring Camp, but we are going to go and help run a station for the day. It will be a compass course. Kirk will need about 4-6 scouts that want to help. You must be second class or above to assist. [This will be some community service hours - if you need them]. It will be on Saturday April 26; we will leave at 7:00 AM from the church and be back around 6 PM that evening. Bring a sack lunch and water bottle for yourself. If you have any questions talk to Kirk.

Clayton's Eagle Court of Honer

Clayton Lepley will be receiving his Eagle Scout Rank on Saturday May 10th. The troop and their families are encouraged to attend. It will start at 2:00 PM - at the church. Hope you can make it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Thunderbase is Near

Even though you can't turn in a early bird form , you can still go. There will be lots of fun activities. See Kirk or any other leaders for more info.

mulch was a success

       We sold 4800 bags of mulch !!! Big thanks to blue blazes and all the rest of the troop. We will each get about 18 dollars per hours worked. Thanks again for helping out with our annual mulch sale.